Michael Zering has lived in Zurich the past 23 years having moved here from London in 1999. Born in Toronto, he studied at Queens University and later completed an MBA at Smith School of Business, University of Maryland. He has spent the last 15 years working in financial services industry having built up a track record developed during three pivotal phases: the credit crisis, subsequent aggressive downsizing, and numerous restructures. 7 of those years were via a big-4 consulting firm supporting clients needing strong business management leadership skills in varied degrees across group functions including Finance, Legal, Compliance and Risk. Michael thrives in facilitating complex, international implementations with a proven track record in Regulatory and Compliance projects for Treasury, Legal, Risk and Compliance functions with a focus on operational effectiveness and transformation. Michael recently finished the Oxford Banking Governance program at Said Business School to augment current experience for board level teams. When he is not at his desk you can find Michael spending time with family outdoors on adventures.
Lucas Pelkmans was born in the Netherlands and currently lives in Zurich. He studied at the University of Utrecht and did his PhD at the ETH Zurich. He was then a postdoctoral fellow at the Max Planck Institute in Dresden. In 2005, he became assistant professor at the ETH Zurich and was elected as the Ernst Hadorn-endowed Chair at the University of Zurich 5 years later, where he is currently a full professor and runs a large international lab. His ground-breaking work led him to be nominated to the MIT Technology Review top 35 of the world’s leading Young Innovators under 35 of age (TR35) and to be amongst the top 10 most-cited cell biologists in Europe. He was awarded the ETH medal, won the European Young Investigator Award, and received ERC junior, consolidator, and advanced grants. Lucas was chairman of SystemsX.ch and is a member of the European Molecular Biology Organisation (EMBO). He previously co-founded the drug discovery company 3V-Biosciences (now Sagimet Biosciences), and is an inventor on several patents in image-based systems biology. In his free time, Lucas enjoys water and snow in various ways.